Academic Director EHERO, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Professor Economics of Happiness, Open University of the Netherlands
Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
By now, there are plenty of reasons and indications to seriously question our conventional, industrial way of thinking. For example, enthusiasm among employees is disappointingly low across the world, any increase in the level of happiness among Dutch citizens and expats is minimal to non-existent, the life expectancy of organisations is shrinking frighteningly fast, the prerequisites for success are changing from scale and stability to constant innovation and change, we are still faced with a fragile economic trend, future generations are playing a completely different ballgame, and the challenge for organisations to find, recruit and retain the most talented employees is ever-growing. It's high time to think about future-proofing the organisation and to identify the codes that are specific to the organisation in this new era - this era of change, which may in fact be a change of era

The Hope Barometer is a scientific project aimed at finding ways to measure and increase hope in organisations, cities and other groups. We define hope as an engaged desire for an achievable, but always uncertain goal. As such, hope can be an important incentive for change and innovation, and it can help people deal with, and flourish in, a quickly changing world. To understand hope, we need to be able to measure hope, and to measure hope we developed the Hope Barometer! On this website, you can find a shortened version of the Hope Barometer, an overview of previous research and many other things related to hope.
How does public policy affect people's happiness? Can you predict protests and voting behavior using subjective data? In several academic explorations we try to better understand the link between politics and happiness.